‘There Is No American Ratings Conspiracy’

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Il Papa: “Lo Stato aiuti le famiglie in crisi”

Il Papa: “Lo Stato aiuti le famiglie in crisi”
Presentato il messaggio di Benedetto XVI per la prossima Giornata mondiale della pace: «Le nuove generazioni vanno educate alla giustizia e alla pace». Appello alla politica.
+ La deriva olandese, da chiesa modello allo scandalo pedofilia G. GALEAZZI

would like to see what could happen
if the President would say:
“the Vatican banks should help the poor families”

limited sovereignty
are the ten pieces of gold
the price of betrayal


Christopher Hitchens dead at 62

Christopher Hitchens dead at 62

(Reuters) – British-born journalist and atheist intellectual Christopher Hitchens, who made the United States his home and backed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, died on Thursday at the age of 62.

As a journalist, war correspondent and literary critic, Hitchens carved out a reputation for barbed repartee, scathing critiques of public figures and a fierce intelligence.

In his 2007 book “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” Hitchens took on major religions with his trenchant atheism. He argued that religion was the source of all tyranny and that many of the world’s evils have been done in the name of religion.

The son of a British naval officer, Hitchens studied at Oxford University and worked as literary critic for the New Statesman magazine in London before moving to New York to work as a journalist in 1981. He settled in Washington the following year, initially as correspondent for the left-wing magazine The Nation. He retained his British citizenship when he became an American citizen in 2007.

Hitchens was not one to mince words. In his book on Bill Clinton “No one left to lie to”, he called the former U.S. president a “rapist” and a “con man.” He once referred to Mother Teresa of Calcutta as a “fanatical Albanian dwarf.”

The author of 25 books – including works on Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and George Orwell – and countless articles and columns, Hitchens never lost his biting humor.

an independent and disillusioned voice in a world of mediocrity and fanaticism
will be missed by all free thinkers planet-wise

If This Is A Planet: Celestial Body Named For Author, Auschwitz Survivor Primo Levi

If This Is A Planet: Celestial Body Named For Author, Auschwitz Survivor Primo Levi

“Primo Levi (1919-1987) was an Italian chemist and writer. He was the author of two novels and several collections of short stories, essays and poems. His best-known work is “If this is a man”, his account of the period he spent as a prisoner in Auschwitz concentration camp.”

memoirs du temp perdu
the civilization of our old little principate
may not be again for centuries
until the money changers and religious leeches
may be wiped out from the face of the planet

we lived a millennium of fairness and civilization
where different races and different creeds knew to live
next door with each other as friends
we could conciliate Spanish, French Germanic ans Saxon origins
we could conciliate Arabic and Jewish origins
until the mobsters of wall street greed puppets
with their byproducts of Bolshevism and eugenics conspiracies
currency frauds and usury, and imperialistic racket
with the help and complicity
of the mobsters of the apostasy of the state of the pope king
church leaching socialistic skim hands, dripping blood of genocide
brought hell in the heartland
and with their religious racket convenient bull crap
stained with the blood of genocide
a civilization of millennia known for its tolerance
that did not deserve because of its fairness
such betrayal from such trashy vultures

but one thing we need to remember
we shall not forget nor forgive
at the time of the end judgment
we shall remember the ones who were offered an hand as friends
and stabbed us in the back for the profit of their pig gods
and their forgiven criminals racket

so start burying weapons in untraceable places
the culture of leaching can only survive so long
its days are counted
the young being born now
will be the ones when they may reach our age
able to burn the cathedrals of the leaches and the temples of the money changers
and poor salt over these disgraced shame and insult to civilization
until the grass may never grow again on their sites
they may have all the clocks but the young have all the time
Fabius Cunctator docet


Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not

Some readers will remember that Iceland’s ninth century agrarian collapse was featured in Jared Diamond’s book by the same name. Today, that country is recovering from its financial collapse in ways just the opposite of those generally considered unavoidable, as confirmed yesterday by the new head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde to Fareed Zakaria. The people of Greece have been told that the privatization of their public sector is the only solution. And those of Italy, Spain and Portugal are facing the same threat.

They should look to Iceland. Refusing to bow to foreign interests, that small country stated loud and clear that the people are sovereign.

That’s why it is not in the news anymore.

surely godman sucks and the other leeches can buy a lot of news
for the glory of god and his forgiven assassins and thieves


E Giuliano Amato (31mila euro al mese di pensione) dice che gli italiani “hanno avuto troppa Sardegna” (cioè se la sono goduta troppo). Ma lui un po’ di pudore non ce l’ha?

# posted by intcoex : 9:33 PM

E Giuliano Amato (31mila euro al mese di pensione) dice che gli italiani “hanno avuto troppa Sardegna” (cioè se la sono goduta troppo). Ma lui un po’ di pudore non ce l’ha?

Giuliano Amato dal meeting di Rimini prende per i fondelli gli italiani dicendo che in questi anni hanno avuto “troppa Sardegna” . Ora, a parte l’offesa gratuita alla meravigliosa isola che non è solo Billionaire e yacht di Porto Cervo, ma una terra straordinaria, di gente tosta e perbene, a parte questo dicevo: ma come si permette, il pensionato d’oro Amato? Gli italiani in questi anni, altro che troppa Sardegna: hanno faticato e sudato, hanno lavorato e tirato la cinghia, anche per gli errori politici commessi negli anni Ottanta da quella classe politica di cui Amato (socialista craxiano prima di tradire Craxi) ha fatto parte, godendone da sempre benefit, maxi stipendi e onori. Vale la pena ricordarlo ancora: lui, l’uomo che ha tagliato le pensioni degli italiani, oggi vive con una doppia pensione d’oro da 31mila euro al mese (9mila come ex parlamentare, 22mila dall’Inpdap). Non solo non ha idea di che cosa sia la Sardegna: non ha neanche idea di che cosa sia il pudore..

this one is one you can’t get rid of
holy Italian mysteries
must be a friend of godman sucks in a battle for god
talk of credibility
with this guy in there
you can give the country three months


How to Interpret 11/11/11 ~ 11-11-11; Friday, November 11, 2011. + Eclipse Schedule. + Metaphysics Experiment. 11:11

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Interpret 11/11/11 ~ 11-11-11; Friday, November 11, 2011. + Eclipse Schedule. + Metaphysics Experiment. 11:11

IMHO all got it wrong

the date to look at was:

the next one could be

or maybe:

depending upon what base you may be looking at

Gold trims losses on Italy new government hopes

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gold trims losses on Italy new government hopes

hopes that Italy will soon form a new government to carry out reforms and tackle the deepening debt crisis gave investors a little more confidence to bet on commodities

the voices of recycled people
from the times of happy Gilmore politics
don’t seem to indicate so

if they were serious
they would keep out some disputable figures
